[Friday, November 18, 2011]

SEA Games 2011: Loutish official leaves a bad taste in the mouth

PALEMBANG: Chris Ardi Toruan. The Malaysian journalists covering the last day of the swimming event here will forever remember him for his loutish behaviour.

Here is an instigator of hate, one who is trying to turn a harmonious Games into a brawl by bringing prejudice and hatred to the fore.

Photographers have never had problems getting near the athletes’ area in previous Games.

After all, everyone wants the best shot of the winners as well as interview them.

Bad attitude: Indonesian official Chris Ardi Toruan (in white shirt) preventing Malaysian media from entering the athletes’ area at the Jakabaring Aquatic Stadium Thursday

But, for the past few days, photographers at the Jakabaring Aquatic Stadium have been constantly denied access to the athletes’ area.

But things usually ended peacefully. Not yesterday, though.

Toruan, an official in charge of the gate to the area, not only denied access to the Malaysian media but was rude and threatening.

When Malaysian pressmen tried to talk to him, he put on a blank face as if he was deaf and did a robot dance, acting like a total clown.

To make things worse, he then yelled to the crowd: “Ini semua orang Malaysia! Tak ada otak semua!” (“These are all Malaysians, They don’t have brains.”)

He then turned to the small group of Malaysians and said: “This is our country! If you don’t like it, you can get out!”

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Loutish official leaves a bad taste in the mouth

bernanah je baca news ni
apa betul ke ni?

panas lak ati aku ni